He stood at the deck, the captain of the ship with the black sail, with the finest warriors the world had ever known. Behind them, an unending fleet of ships from a hundred nations all charging to doom Troy. Immortality. It was their destiny and it laid on the wavering hands of chance. The gallant commander drew his sword, and, pointing to the coast, ordered his men to take it. The ores pounded on the waves pushing the Myrmidon ship forward.
First, work on your circle of influence. And so I did.
"I want you to be part of my core team cause you're a good worker and a trustworthy friend.
"Baloney! It'll never work out. You'll see."
That pretty much sums it up. In my circle, I'm astounded by how infinite the ways that line could be said.
"Why the heck are you in network marketing anyway?"
Two months have past since I graduated from medschool. Like so many other new doctors, I'm gagging for the 1.5k-2k stipend I'll be earning per month as a medical intern. The year's definitely going to be a step up from being a hospital roach. The work load practically won't change. Thirty-six hour duty, seeing 50 to a 100 patients in the ER. At least now it won't be for free. We'd actually be thrown change for all the inhumanity we'd have to endure. And from roaches we could be proud to call ourselves rodents.
Mom's been retired for a year and dad's not getting any younger. They taught us well about family, on caring at least. The philosophy is basic. The parents take care of the kids when they're too young and the kids take care of the parents when they grow too old.
I know it. But knowing what to do and having the means to do it are the same person on diferrent dimensions. I have a medical degree without a liscence working eight to thirty-six hours for a third of what we pay the house help.
"Why am I in network marketing? Because I have a need. Cause I have enough self respect to know that a 28 year old man shouldn't be palming his parents everytime he needs money. And I know a boy is not a man unless he man's up."
"But we just got out of med school, of course we don't have money."
"You really think life would cut us some slack just because we spent more time studying don't you? The world doesn't want to hear your excuses, it wants to hear your plan."
I'm going to earn my first million this year. Then I'll have the means to tilt our finances and even them out. Three years from now, I'm buying a car, with my own money. Then I might invest with my brother-in-law to put up a restaurant. And I'll do it while being a doctor.
"Bro, no offense, but you're being stupid."
It was nostalgically flat. Just like that, memories from a distant past came rushing in and flooding my head.
"Do you still want to become a doctor?"
"Of course lola, I'm meant to be a doctor. I've just been going through a lot, that's all."
"You see?"
She said turning to her son who was smoking his second stick, faced outside the door.
"He won't make it Ma. I gave up on him a long time ago."
It pierced me so exquistely that tears didn't even fall. It was then that I decided to stop so desperately following his path. I was going to make my own.
I remember it everyday. And it fuels me to be better.
"It hugs on your shoulders and cuts-in to the waist."
"It fits well. I like it. I might have four more of these made with matching pants."
The talor jotted down on his notebook as I turned from side to side infront of the mirror clad in that white coat with an MD after my name embroidered in bold navy blue just above the left breast pocket.
"I'm being stupid? Today, I might be. But thanks man, for giving me this opportunity to prove you wrong."
I said calmly as I headed to my next appointment.
i like your idea on the parents taking care of the kids and then vice versa. so nice.
ReplyDeleteIt's not mine so I really shouldn't take the credit. I'm glad that we both agree that it's the way things ought to be.