"We can't do this without you. We're meeting at the frat house in 30 minutes. Be there."
That was all it said. I had just woken up but that text message was enough to wipe away all the sleep from my eyes. I stumbled as I struggled to my feet, lunging at my sneakers. Running out the door, I swiped the gray American Eagle hoodie, which I always thought had a "don't mess with me or you'll get hurt" look to it. I barely even got both arms in as I got to the car. In minutes, I was racing to the meeting place.
The sun had just gone down and the sky glowed a dying amber as I sped my way hoping I got there in time. On a red light, my fingers scrimmaged pockets finding my cell. Two messages.
"Where are you? We're all here."
"We hope you still got some fight left in you cause this'll be a long night."
I grinned as I floored the gas as the light turned green.
"I still have my hands haven't I? These are practically the only things that I really need."
I parked outside the frat house. 7pm. I didn't need to go down casue my boys flooded the door as soon as they saw me. Five of us. The best five that the frat could give.
"Go. They're already at the place."
It's been a long time. I was shaking but I wasn't scared at all. If anything, I was excited. I missed the thrill and chaos. I longed for the rush. And there was nobody else I'd rather have on my side than my boys.
Not even 30 minutes and it was all over. We had them on the run and we pressed harder pushing them to a full retreat.
"There's no use hiding in there!"
"Why don't you guys try running your mouth now!"
It was brutal. All of them were badly beaten. They scattered off in different directions but it wasn't really a secret where we'd find them cowering. I knew we were too much for them but we weren't going to let off just yet. We were going to teach them a lesson they'd never forget. In minutes, we were pounding on their gate and mocking them to stand their ground.
"Are you guys just going to watch and wait for us to get in there? Come out and fight!"
A few moments more we broke inside. It was ugly and barbaric. We took turns striking and swinging at whoever we saw came close to having the slightest incling that they could stop us. The dust settled and I was sure not even an ounce of their pride remained. We left them beaten and ashamed. This was a war that we seared in their memories as in ours.
"Boooyah! Who's your daddy now?"
Some of the guys just couldn't stop. Some were now on their feet dancing around, jumping up and down like a bunch of idiots while pointing fingers at the other team and talking smack.
Game night is always fun. Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) is truly a great game.
All ten of us went outside for a smoke or a nibble. All the while, the jeering continued as the guys exchanged shoulder jabs and monkeyed around. This was the calm before the storm.
A few minutes after, the monkeys were no longer dancing and were back in the "zone". Game 2 was about to start.
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